
To create a digital campaign within the VICE ecosystem for Budweiser’s existing Bud & Burgers tentpole.

Munchies and Budweiser partnered up for Back of House, a video series focused on the back of house staff from a select group of restaurants throughout the United States.

The strategy for the campaign was to build pride around the hard working people that are the backbone of every restaurant. With celebrity chef and hose Richard Blais, Back of House showed viewers how special each chosen restaurant and their staff was. 

As Art Director on this campaign I:
* Researched, established and sources the visual interpretation of the campaign.
* Created moodboards and creative guidelines that ensured we authentically captured the back of house staff. 
* Was heavily involved with deck and pitch development for the campaign.
* Designed the campaign’s identity and brand guildelines.
* Designed on-screen graphics, media rich banners, and digital assets for the Back of House digital hub on the Munchies site. 
* Selected, color corrected and edited stills for the campaign that were later used for marketing deliverables, video thumbnails and editorial photography. 

Client ································· Budweiser
Role ···································· Art Director, Designer


Taking inspiration from special moments shared with food, food photography and cooking professionals doing their thing.

Design Guidelines


Font: Bud Bold

Using the brand’s custom font, the campaign identity was designed to fit in seamlessly with the existing tentpole of Bud & Burgers

On-Screen Graphics

Series trailer

Rich media banners

A homepage takeover on vice.com was part of the media buyout for the campaign. The banners directed traffic to the media hub where the Back of House experience lived.

Digital Brand Hub

Campaign stills

Copyright 2024 Stephanie Santillán López