Kenneth Cole 

Kenneth Cole partnered with VICE for a series of short videos featured in multiple verticals that profiled a member of their 2016 Courageous Class.
For this piece, actor RJ Mitte from Breaking Bad shared how he’s living his version of the California dream while living with celebral palsy. 
Following RJ Mitte around Venice Beach, we learned about how he’s used his success to help others while being a role model for people that share his diagnosis. 

RJ was inspiring and the perfect example of Kenneth Cole’s courageous class: individuals that were doing things on their terms and leading by example. 

As Art Director I determined and oversaw the execution of the shoot’s look and feel, designed the branding for the episode, animated on-screen graphics, styled the talent on set, and created assets for video delivery and marketing deliverables.

Client ································· VICE
Role ···································· Art Director, Designer
Photographer ··················· Jorge Solórzano

Design Guidelines
**The logo evolved as the title changed

Digital Banners

Digital spot

Campaign Photography

Copyright 2024 Stephanie Santillán López