Vice Does America Title Sequence, VICELAND
Vice Does America was a show on VICELAND hosted by Vice employees who went on epic journeys of exploration and self-discovery in forgotten corners of the U.S.
When we were originally briefed on the project the show was called Vice Guide to Travel, and had a more global tone to it with the first set of episodes focusing on Russia.
Although the show’s focus changed, for me the brief stayed the same: make a title sequence that showed a lot of existing content in a brief amount of time. I decided that using the grid as our vehicle to show all this information was the way to go.
3 design directions were explored and highly informed the final open.
Client ································· VICELAND
Role ···································· Art Director, Designer
Direction 1
* To show multiple content at once.
* To show content in an engaging way.
* Establishing a device that allows us to show video and stills seamlessly.
Direction 1: Motion Test
Direction 2
* To introduce negative space around the grid framing the subject matter.
* To bridge grids with certain elements.
*Highlighting show talent in organic, non-traditional ways.
Direction 3
* Fun
* Re-interpreting elements from traditional print layout and taking cues from UX design as inspiration for the different ways in which footage could be masked with text/the ways each scene could be more dynamic.
* Incorporating digital/mobile language and user interaction (parallax, infinite scroll, swiping, etc.)
* Exploring the incorporation of details that aren’t specific to a heavily digital world that can make this style stand apart (rounded corners, tactile quality in the way elements are styliized, texture incorporation, etc.)
Type Exploration
Final title sequence